“The most impactful outcome of the residency, for me, were the bonds I formed with the other resident artists. Seeing other young women owning their stories made me feel capable of doing the same.”
— Isabel McTighe
“From the Ground Up has been my creative outlet, my safe space and my second home for the last six years. When I graduated high school I thought the fun would end, but Katherine started the Young Women’s Residency. I joined this program not knowing what was to come. I was just starting college and transitioning into the beginnings of adulthood. During the first session, we discussed Beyonce’s Lemonade and I learned about “the personal as political.” The other young women in the room and I were told, right from the start, that our stories matter. Our stories need to be told. We, as young women, need to be given the chance to add our voice to the surrounding noise. From the Ground Up gave us this opportunity.”
— Sydney Parno
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“I am so grateful for my experience in the FTGU residency. The weekly workshops were not only an invaluable source of learning, but also of inspiration from working with local female theatre practitioners. The writing and movement techniques we studied at FTGU have been incredibly helpful as I pursue my MFA in Actor Musicianship. I wholeheartedly recommend this residency to anyone who wants to explore their voice and creativity.”
— Lily Elliott
“If it wasn’t for this program I probably would still be fighting/ignoring that monster known as vulnerability the awful “V” word as I call it, but Honestly, I have learned so much from this program. It’s helped me dive into characters that make me uncomfortable, taught me how to start the process of self love, and taught me not just to know my worth but I also have a story that deserves to be told, plus I got a group of girls (scratch that) WOMEN whom I am proud to call my family now. From the Ground UP help me discover more about myself.”
— Kyra Orr